I think a few points for an operator to successfully apply for a job are: project experience, methodology supported by cases, accumulation in the category email list field of operations, personal cognitive level, and flexibility in interviews. Of course, there is also an irreversible category email list point, that is, work experience and educational experience. Of course, this is also difficult to change in the short term. You can only go to a big company for gold plating or choose re-education.
Project experience” is the first consideration factor in the ability evaluation level in the job search process Operations people often don't know what's important during the interview process. I have read a lot of interview articles myself and I have summed up category email list the interview experience these days. Often the most important consideration for the operation personnel category email list interview is the project. What the project interviewer wants to hear is to have strategy, but more importantly, to play effectively. For example, because I came into contact with the community.
I mentioned the user life cycle system and what strategies did I use in this regard: for example, finding key digital indicators through data category email list analysis, and guiding users to grow towards key data indicators. What is the key action? Is it coupons, copywriting, sweepstakes? Generally speaking, when introducing a project, it can be carried out in several stages (this is also the methodology category email list I refer to the big guys) star rule, namely: situation: What is the background of the project? task: What role did you play in the project and what tasks did you get? Action.